
techo de mader

Wooden ceiling in interior design

The conscious selection of materials in interior design plays a crucial role in creating spaces that are not only visually striking, but also functional and

revestimiento actual madera mobiliario

Wooden wall cladding and its design

Wooden wall cladding are expressions that combine history and wisdom. These elements have been an integral part of architecture and interior design for centuries. The

Diseño celosía móvil de madera Grupo GUBIA

Mobile wooden lattices design

Movable wooden lattices design for exterior use is increasingly being developed, as the use of its benefits has grown exponentially. A broader knowledge of the

Fresa del sistema cnc

Advantages of CNC woodworking machinery

Today we talk about CNC woodworking and its advantages. CNC stands for “Computer Numerical Control”. This is a computer-controlled device that monitors the position, speed